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Poland Township
Zoning Commission Board

Zoning Commission Board Members

John Savarise (2028 expired term)
Paul Sherman (2027 expired term)
Bill Gardner (2026 expired term) 
Frank Prusak (2025 expired term)
Frank Mazzocca (2029 expired term)

Zoning Commission Board Responsibilities

A Township Zoning Commission is hereby established which shall perform its duties and exercise its powers as provided under the Ohio Revised code as amended, and in such a way that the objectives of this Resolution shall be observed.

The Township Zoning Commission is composed of five residents appointed by the Trustees to a staggered five-year term. In addition, one alternate member has been appointed for a term of one year. An alternate member shall take the place of an absent regular member at any meeting of the zoning commission, according to procedures prescribed by the Resolution by the Board of Township Trustees. When attending a meeting on behalf of an absent member, the alternate member may vote on any matter on which the absent member is authorized to vote.

The Board of Zoning Commission Powers and Duties:

  • Prepare and maintain the zoning ordinances.
  • Take action on zone change requests and make recommendations on same to the Township Trustees.
  • Initiate advisable zone changes, or changes in the text of the Zoning Ordinance where same will promote the best interests of the public in general.
  • Prepare long range plans for the best use of the land in the interests of the public in general.