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Poland Township
Zoning Application and Procedures

Zoning Application and Procedures

Application and Procedure
A Zoning Permit shall hereinafter be secured from the Township Zoning Inspector prior to any construction of any building, structure or sign in the Township.
All requests for Zoning Permits shall be filed through application by the owner or his authorized agent and shall include the use or intended use of the building or structure after the proposed construction, erection, reconstruction, relocation or alteration.  A scaled drawing showing the location of the proposed and/or existing building on the site plan shall be submitted to, and filed with, the Township Zoning Inspector.
Application Requirements
Before construction or altering of any site, structure, or building, including accessory buildings, application shall be made to the Poland Township Zoning Inspector for a Zoning Permit.  The applications shall include the following information:
  • Complete building plans, elevations and a plot plan drawn to scale showing the exact dimensions of the proposed structure or structures, placement on the lot, access drives and parking areas.
  • In the case of new construction, on site storm water detention areas and calculations must meet the Mahoning County Specifications and be made a part of the site plan presented to the Poland Township Zoning Office for review by the Mahoning County Engineer.